How Much Rent Can I Afford on $600 a Month?

You can afford rent anywhere between $168 to $216 per month. However, it is recommended that you spend less than 1/3 of your income on rent which is about $198 a month.

I Make $1K a Month How Much Rent Can I Afford?

Monthly Pre-Tax Income
Monthy Debt

How much rent can I afford if I make $1K a month?

The maximum you can afford on rent is $216 if you make $1K a month.

Monthly Income Monthly Debt Max Rent Midrange Minimum
$600 $0 $216 $198 $168
$600 $50 $166 $148 $118
$600 $100 $116 $98 $68
$600 $150 $66 $48 $18
$600 $200 $16 $-2 $-32

How much rent can I afford on 700 a month

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