Rent to Income Calculator is a tool to check the percentage of your rent relative to your income. The higher the number, the less that you can afford in the long run. It is highly recommended that you keep your rent to income ratio at no more than 30%.
Rent to Income Ratio Calculator |
Annual Income |
% | Monthy Rent |
$ |
Rent to Income Ratio |
Calculate Income by Rent |
Monthly Rent |
$ | Income to Rent Ratio |
% |
Renter Monthly Income |
Renter Annual Income |
The rent-to-income ratio is the percentage of a person's gross income to the amount that he is spending on rent. The higher the rent-to-income ratio, the less money he will have for other parts of life. Generally, tenants should not spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent because that may impact their lifestyles in other areas.
The rent-to-income ratio is calculated by dividing monthly rent by the monthly gross income. For example, if your annual salary is $75,000 and your rent is $2,000 per month, the following is how you calculate the rent-to-income ratio. Annual Salary = $75,000 Monthly Salary = $75,000 / 12 = $6,250 Rent-to-Income Ratio = $2,000 / $6,250 = 32% Hence, the rent-to-income ratio is 32% which is on the high end.
The rent to income ratio calculator requires only two inputs, your annual salary before taxes, and rent. With these two inputs, the rent-to-income ratio calculator will calculate your rent-to-income ratio and let you know whether you are over spending on rent.
Use the rent to income chart below to estimate the maximum amount of money (30% of income) you should spend on rent based on your annual income.
Annual Income | Monthly Rent |
$10,000 | $250 |
$12,000 | $300 |
$14,000 | $350 |
$16,000 | $400 |
$18,000 | $450 |
$20,000 | $500 |
$22,000 | $550 |
$24,000 | $600 |
$26,000 | $650 |
$28,000 | $700 |
$30,000 | $750 |
$32,000 | $800 |
$34,000 | $850 |
$36,000 | $900 |
$38,000 | $950 |
$40,000 | $1,000 |
$42,000 | $1,050 |
$44,000 | $1,100 |
$46,000 | $1,150 |
$48,000 | $1,200 |
$50,000 | $1,250 |
$52,000 | $1,300 |
$54,000 | $1,350 |
$56,000 | $1,400 |
$58,000 | $1,450 |
$60,000 | $1,500 |
$62,000 | $1,550 |
$64,000 | $1,600 |
$66,000 | $1,650 |
$68,000 | $1,700 |
$70,000 | $1,750 |
$72,000 | $1,800 |
$74,000 | $1,850 |
$76,000 | $1,900 |
$78,000 | $1,950 |
$80,000 | $2,000 |
$82,000 | $2,050 |
$84,000 | $2,100 |
$86,000 | $2,150 |
$88,000 | $2,200 |
$90,000 | $2,250 |
$92,000 | $2,300 |
$94,000 | $2,350 |
$96,000 | $2,400 |
$98,000 | $2,450 |
$100,000 | $2,500 |
$102,000 | $2,550 |
$104,000 | $2,600 |
$106,000 | $2,650 |
$108,000 | $2,700 |
$110,000 | $2,750 |
$112,000 | $2,800 |
$114,000 | $2,850 |
$116,000 | $2,900 |
$118,000 | $2,950 |
$120,000 | $3,000 |
$122,000 | $3,050 |
$124,000 | $3,100 |
$126,000 | $3,150 |
$128,000 | $3,200 |
$130,000 | $3,250 |
$132,000 | $3,300 |
$134,000 | $3,350 |
$136,000 | $3,400 |
$138,000 | $3,450 |
$140,000 | $3,500 |
$142,000 | $3,550 |
$144,000 | $3,600 |
$146,000 | $3,650 |
$148,000 | $3,700 |
$150,000 | $3,750 |
$152,000 | $3,800 |
$154,000 | $3,850 |
$156,000 | $3,900 |
$158,000 | $3,950 |
$160,000 | $4,000 |
$162,000 | $4,050 |
$164,000 | $4,100 |
$166,000 | $4,150 |
$168,000 | $4,200 |
$170,000 | $4,250 |
$172,000 | $4,300 |
$174,000 | $4,350 |
$176,000 | $4,400 |
$178,000 | $4,450 |
$180,000 | $4,500 |
$182,000 | $4,550 |
$184,000 | $4,600 |
$186,000 | $4,650 |
$188,000 | $4,700 |
$190,000 | $4,750 |
$192,000 | $4,800 |
$194,000 | $4,850 |
$196,000 | $4,900 |
$198,000 | $4,950 |
$200,000 | $5,000 |
$202,000 | $5,050 |
$204,000 | $5,100 |
$206,000 | $5,150 |
$208,000 | $5,200 |
$210,000 | $5,250 |
$212,000 | $5,300 |
$214,000 | $5,350 |
$216,000 | $5,400 |
$218,000 | $5,450 |
$220,000 | $5,500 |
$222,000 | $5,550 |
$224,000 | $5,600 |
$226,000 | $5,650 |
$228,000 | $5,700 |
$230,000 | $5,750 |
$232,000 | $5,800 |
$234,000 | $5,850 |
$236,000 | $5,900 |
$238,000 | $5,950 |
$240,000 | $6,000 |
$242,000 | $6,050 |
$244,000 | $6,100 |
$246,000 | $6,150 |
$248,000 | $6,200 |
$250,000 | $6,250 |
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