You can afford rent anywhere between $534 to $686 per month. However, it is recommended that you spend less than 1/3 of your income on rent which is about $629 a month.
The maximum you can spend on rent is $686 on rent if you make $11 an hour.
Hourly Rate | Monthly Income | Monthly Debt | Max Rent | Midrange | Minimum |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $0 | $686 | $629 | $534 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $50 | $636 | $579 | $484 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $100 | $586 | $529 | $434 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $150 | $536 | $479 | $384 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $200 | $486 | $429 | $334 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $250 | $436 | $379 | $284 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $300 | $386 | $329 | $234 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $350 | $336 | $279 | $184 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $400 | $286 | $229 | $134 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $450 | $236 | $179 | $84 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $500 | $186 | $129 | $34 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $550 | $136 | $79 | $-16 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $600 | $86 | $29 | $-66 |
$11 | $1,906.67 | $650 | $36 | $-21 | $-116 |
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